How It Works

Step 1: Initial Consultation

Integra can tailor a service plan to fulfill the needs of any business, no matter the size. During our initial consultation, an experienced Integra Backup Administrator determines a backup strategy to effectively protect your data.

1. Initial Consultation

Step 2: Expert Installation

Work with confidence knowing your backup has been properly installed. Your Integra Backup Administrator will personally set up and configure your system, leaving nothing to chance.
2. Expert Installation

Step 3: Redundant Backup

Protect your company against the worst disasters. With Integra’s redundant systems, your files are backed up at your location then transmitted to Integra’s secure off-site data center.
3. Redundant Backup

Step 4: Remote Monitoring

Never worry about missed backups again. Your network is constantly monitored by your Integra Backup Administrator, ready to correct any issues should they arise.

4. Remote Monitoring

Integra’s approach to data protection is focused on accuracy, reliability, and accessibility to give you the greatest level of service possible. From start to finish, an Integra Backup Administrator ensures your system is prepared to react to data loss swiftly and effectively. No other business-class backup solution matches the security and responsiveness of Integra’s fully managed service.

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Our data protection specialists can answer your questions and explain how Integra can secure your information with an unmatched level of managed expertise.
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